Have you ever submitted an SBIR proposal that you thought was a “shoo-in” only to have it rejected? You may have fallen victim to one of the four most common mistakes made by proposal writers.
Bidding to Win
Following are excerpts from some of our popular webinar topics. Our webinars are unique because we provide focused, actionable training that you can put to use immediately.
Key Features of a Strong Commercialization Strategy
Bill Wilson
The commercialization section is an often neglected component of an SBIR proposal and it shouldn’t be. A weak commercialization strategy is one of the most prevalent SBIR debrief comments we see.
Why to Recruit Transition Partners and How That Improves Your Win Rate
Randy Simpson
Teaming with an industry leader such as a defense prime contractor, or energy sector principal, can facilitate transitioning your technology to that industry. Find out how this impacts your chances of getting your SBIR proposal funded as well as producing a viable product.