The TechOpp Team Lead has been successfully providing proposal development assistance since 1990 to large and small businesses for multiple federal agency solicitations. Your team will benefit from lessons learned both in winning and in process improvement.
Proposal Development Training
Think Like an Evaluator | Increase Your Win Rate


“Just in time” training for your team will reward you with the greatest ROI. We suggest aligning webinars or in-person training with federal solicitation releases so the skills learned will be put to use immediately.

Proposal teams vary in skill levels; often new employees have no proposal development experience at all. Sometimes past PD experiences are negative and must be overcome with retraining. TechOpp will work with you to target those areas that need the most attention and design the training to address them.
Proposal Training Delivery Models Designed to Fit Your Needs
Training from Shipley-Trained Instructor with 30 Years of Experience
Webinar-Based Training
We will provide remote, cost effective series of brief training engagements. These are designed to address current needs or deficiencies in your team. They provide actionable steps for process improvement and templates to put to immediate use. Time for Q&A.
Proposal Bootcamp
We provide on-site, one day training using a mock Source Evaluation Board (SEB) model. We take one of your proposals and the related solicitation and use these for the team to perform as SEB. We also use what is learned to create storyboards for the current topics.
On-site Workshop
We can design an in-person training event to address a specific need in the Business Development Team. It is best to align with federal opportunity releases for just-in-time training
State-Based Accelerators Training
We deliver training for State-Based Accelerators to broad audiences of small businesses. These sessions may be done remotely via webinars or in-person at live events. Topics covered are suggested by the small business community or the State organization.
Invest in Your Team’s Future
“TechOpp’s proposal development training helped QuesTek engineers reduce the time required to write proposals and improve their quality. It is a great way to stay current on the latest information and learn new techniques to produce successful proposals.”